Hear From Some of our Birth Moms...
This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but time heals. So many times people say “I could
never do that”, but I am so proud of who I was then and that I had the strength to walk out of
the hospital without my baby. I did it for her and because of her.
- Noelle
I was on drugs, I went to the abortion clinic but didn’t follow through with it. Every day I thank
God for that decision. I have worked hard on my recovery from drugs and now live a drug-free
life. This may have not been possible without adoption as an option. I am at peace with my
- Brittni
I wanted to parent but reality set in, and I knew I did not have what she needed. I chose a
loving, stable home for her where all her needs could be met. I did it for her. It’s so touching to
see the young lady she has become. She has a special place in my heart.
- Ashley
Adoption is never easy, but I listened to the voice of God leading me. It is possible to have a
happy life with adoption even though adoption has painful parts.
- Melinda
When I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t have a stable place or a job. I didn’t want my baby to
live the same way. I wanted more for him.
- Maribel
I got into drugs and was in and out of rehab when I was pregnant. I encountered Jesus while in
rehab, and He has changed my life. I was not ready to parent but wanted my son in a Christian
home. It’s been an amazing journey to what God can do if you give him your life. CAS has been
there for me every step of the way.
- Whitney