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Who We Are

Read on to learn a little about who we are as an agency, or click any of the links below to take you to a specific section.


Our Mission:

Build God’s kingdom by connecting vulnerable children with Christian families.

How we do it:

CAS has three programs central to our ministry: Domestic Adoption, International Adoption, & Foster-to-Adopt

Our domestic staff works with expectant parents who have decided to place their baby for adoption as well as those who are already parenting but have decided to place their child(ren) for adoption. They also work with the hopeful adoptive families to screen and prepare them. The ultimate goal of our Domestic Adoption Program is to connect birth families with adoptive families in North and South Carolina to find the right home for every child.

Our international staff works with our foreign counterparts in the Philippines and Czech Republic to identify children internationally that need homes. They also work with hopeful adoptive families to get the appropriate paperwork and training completed. The ultimate goal of our International Adoption Program is to find loving, Christian homes for the many children in need of one from both our partner countries.

Our foster-to-adopt program is run through Baptist Children’s Homes of NC. BCH has children’s homes all across North Carolina that care for children in the foster care system. Their foster-to-adopt program identifies children who are legally eligible to be adopted. The ultimate goal of the Foster-to-Adopt program is to place older children and sibling groups in the foster care system into forever homes.

Meet our team here.


Our History

Jim & Doris Woodward, Co-Founders

Jim & Doris Woodward, Co-Founders

CAS was founded in 1979 as a result of the success that Doris Woodward had in facilitating adoptions from her native country of El Salvador. When the agency’s office moved to North Carolina from Maine in 1989, a counseling program evolved from the agency’s response to pregnant women who were exploring the option of adoption. Since 1979, we have assisted in the placement of over 2,000 children into loving, Christian families.



Our Offices


*If you are an expectant mom looking to make an adoption plan for your child, please call our 24/7 hotline at 1 (800) 453-1011 or email us at

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*If you are interested in adopting a child or have questions about any of adoption programs, please email or call our main line at  (704) 847-0038.

Our HEADQUARTERS: Charlotte Area Office


7884 Idlewild Road
Indian Trail, NC 28079
Click here for directions

P: (704) 847-0038
F: (704) 841-1538

Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 5pm
By appointment only


Central NC Office


206 Idol Street
Thomasville, NC 27360
Click here for directions

P: (980) 260-1873
F: (980) 352-6936

Hours: Call for appointment
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm


Eastern NC Office


154 N. Winstead Avenue
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
Click here for directions

P: (252) 937-6560
F: (252) 443-4675

Hours: Call for appointment
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm


Western SC Office


1696 Highway 357 
Lyman, SC 29365
Click here for directions

P: (980) 260-1877
F: (704)-256-8077

Hours: Call for appointment
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm


Eastern SC Office


1607 9th Ave,
Conway, SC 29526
Click here for directions

P: (980) 260-1895
F: (704) 454-6190

Hours: Call for appointment
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm


Southern SC Office



1851 Dawson Branch Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Click here for directions.

P: (704) 847-0038
F: (704) 841-1538

Hours: Call for appointment
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm


NorthERN SC Office



1069 Bayshore Dr,
Suite 210 C
Rock Hill, SC 29732
Click here for directions.

P: (704) 847-0038
F: (704) 841-1538

Hours: Call for appointment
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm


Our Accreditations


Christian Adoption Services is Accredited by The Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME).




We are also proud members for the following organizations:

Click on each logo to learn more.






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