Emmanuel Home Project
As we work with expectant moms to create an adoption plan, one thing we work to do is ensure she has a safe and stable living environment during pregnancy and immediately after birth. The goal of the ‘Emmanuel home project’ is to take that a step further by providing a home for up to 5 women for 10 months post-placement to help her heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually and get her back on her feet.
Take a look at where the Emmanuel Home began…
…And where it is now
‘Emmanuel Home’ prior to renovation
‘Emmanuel Home’ at the grand opening ceremony
Through a generous lead gift from a Charlotte family (in memory of their dear friend, Emmanuel) ‘EMMANUEL HOME’ will change the way in which we care for our birth moms after they have placed their child into the care of another family.
The Emmanuel Home will open this year as a fully staffed, care-house where birth mothers can live post-placement as they work through grief, learn coping mechanisms, explore basic life skills, work a job in the community, receive counseling from social workers, and further their education - all in the context of a safe and nurturing Christian home. This home, which is located in the quaint town of Thomasville, NC, will house up to 5 women at a time and women will stay for approximately 10 months (as long as they are in good-standing while ‘working the program’). Women will come from all over the state of NC to the Emmanuel Home.
The goal of the Emmanuel Home is to meet the needs of our courageous birth moms who don’t have access to stable support and may benefit from a season of intentional growth as they walk through the emotional grief that comes with placing your child for adoption. We long to stand in the gap for these precious women and be a daily reminder to them of the true Savior who loves them more deeply than any human ever could.
For more information, contact Cyndie Truax at 518-424-1890 or ctruax@bchfamily.org.