Our Waiting Families

If you are considering making an adoption plan for your child, you have the option of choosing the family. All of our families have gone through a rigorous application and training process and are fully equipped and ready to welcome a child (or children) into their home!

Meet our families who are hoping to adopt below.

If you choose us, your beautiful baby will grow up in a loving home, surrounded by wonderful people whom we know and trust dearly. We promise to love this amazing baby with all the love our hearts can give and to raise them to know God in the purest, most authentic way. If you choose, we would love to be able to know you too.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 6 months (and siblings up to 1 year old).

Our promise to you is to love and respect you, your name, and your space. We also promise to love your child unconditionally as our own, to teach them about Jesus and His love for us, and to provide them with experiences that will enrich their life.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy or girl newborn to 3 months old.

We promise to provide your child with a loving home and to raise them to love Jesus. We will teach them to value compassion, mercy, and humility. We believe in doing life together and an abundant life in Christ is meant to be done in community. Your child will be surrounded by an incredible community to love and support them all the days of their life.

We are excited to welcome to our family a newborn boy or girl.

More than anything we want you to know that we will love your child unconditionally and give them every opportunity to become the best version of themselves. We will encourage them to chase their dreams and to always do everything to the best of their abilities. We will provide him or her with all the security, love, and joy we can offer.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 6 months old (with sibling up to 2 years old).

We want you to know that we will love your child unconditionally. You will always be a part of your child and we will honor and respect you in our home. We will teach your child to pray for you each day. Our hope is that your child will live a happy and fulfilling life.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 5 years old.

We live a simple life, where God and family are our top priorities! We fail time and time again, but through the unfailing love of Jesus, we are forgiven, redeemed, rescued, and set free. We strive to walk by faith while clinging to the promises of Jesus and trusting in His plan for our lives.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 5 years old.

We are honored that you might see the potential in us as a family to raise your little one to reach their full potential. We know God has been writing a beautiful story for you, your family, and your child, and we are amazed at his goodness, in bringing us to this place where our paths have crossed. God is with you. He is for you. And we are praying with you!

We are excited to welcome to our family a newborn boy, girl, or twins (of any gender combination).

We are very excited and more than ready to give our unconditional love and support to your child. We can promise you that your child will have a supportive home with a foundation built on God's word. Their life will be full of laughter and love, routinely filled with family, friends, and lots of kiddos. We believe parenthood is one of the most important roles in life and we take it very seriously. We strive to continually grow and develop ourselves as parents.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 3 months old (with sibling up to 3 years old).

We want you to know that we are committed to honoring and respecting the role you play in your child’s life. Your legacy will be woven into the tapestry of our family and spoken with love. Your connection to us and your baby will be acknowledged and celebrated.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, or twins (of any gender combination) newborn to 6 months.

If you choose us as a family, we promise to raise your child in a Christ-centered, loving, encouraging, family-oriented home. You will always be honored and welcome in our lives.

We are excited to welcome to our family a newborn boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) with sibling up to 3 years old.

Your baby will be surrounded by a loving family that is so excited to meet them. They will fit right in during our family gatherings and have lots of cousins to play with as they grow. We have been praying for God to prepare us for this adoption and for Him to provide guidance, comfort, and peace to you as you make this decision. Putting your baby’s needs above your own takes a selfless heart and we admire your strength and bravery.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 3 months old (with sibling up to 3 years old).

While we have learned a lot about what the future may hold, we know this is just the beginning. We know that the journey won’t be perfect and that there will be hard days and challenges. But we know there will be laughter and inexplicable joy on the journey, too. We trust that the Lord will equip all of us, you included, for what lies ahead. We commit to advocating for your son or daughter, investing in their personal and spiritual growth, and praying with and for them for the rest of our lives.

We are excited to welcome to our family a newborn boy or girl.

In our family we love to have fun and desire to be radiators of joy while also being people of peace because of our hope for what is to come. We are thankful for this journey for our family and pray that you sense that hope through our joy and peace in Christ.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 4 years old.

We want to make a promise to you that we will cherish and love your child with all of our hearts and will provide a safe, happy, God-centered home, and a life with every opportunity that we can provide.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 6 months old (with sibling up to 1 year old).

We believe in the Lord’s plan for each of us, and we trust that He has a beautiful path in store for you and your baby. Should you decide to place your baby with us, we promise to honor your role in their life. We will include you in their journey as they grow, ensuring that they know their story and the love that brought them into this world.

We are excited to welcome to our family a newborn boy, girl, or twins (of any gender combination).

As parents, we hope to provide a nurturing atmosphere for your child to become a Christ-follower and live a fulfilled life. Most of all, we want our child to know that they are loved and accepted no matter what.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy or girl newborn to two years old.

Our dream of parenthood is grounded in creating a nurturing environment where your child can flourish, be supported by endless love, encouragement, and lots of opportunities to grow. We approach this journey with open hearts and are ready to celebrate the incredible gift of parenthood together.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 6 months (with sibling up to 3 years old).

We promise to always strive to be the best parents we can be. We will constantly tell your baby about you and keep in touch with you, if you would allow us. We would love to have a relationship with you. We promise to raise your baby in a loving and God-honoring home, where they will love and develop a relationship with God. We want them to know that they can do all things through Christ, who gives them strength.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 1 year old (with same gender sibling up to 5 years old).

It has been in our hearts since the beginning of our marriage to expand our family, and we would be beyond excited to welcome your child into our home. Your child will be a treasured member of our family and we can’t wait to meet both of you!

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy or girl newborn to six months old.

We promise to honor you and respect your decisions and space. We promise to love your child unconditionally and to provide them with opportunities for success. We will always encourage their dreams. We promise to be by your child's side through life's obstacles and to grow and learn with patience.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy or girl newborn to three months old.

We promise to provide a loving and safe home that puts God first. We promise to lead with love and Godly wisdom. We promise to care for, love, celebrate, and encourage. We promise to consider your wishes and always honor you.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 8 years old).

With the Lord’s help, we promise to love, care for, protect, comfort, and value your baby to the best of our ability. We will also seek to raise your baby with an understanding of who God is and the extravagant love He has for us.

We are excited to welcome to our family a boy, girl, twins or siblings (of any gender combination) newborn to 1 year old).



The families below have recently received placement of a child (or children) through CAS’ domestic adoption program. Join us in praying for their families as well as their child’s first family in the coming weeks and months.